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St Bronagh's Primary School, Rostrevor

News - Homepage

2019/2020 School Year

2nd May 2020
Just so proud of the 25 children who have obtained Studyladder certificates since...
1st May 2020
Well here it is everyone!! The staff of St Bronagh’s PS like you’ve...
25th Apr 2020
A huge congratulations  to our 23 Mathletics Bronze Certificate winners this...
24th Apr 2020
The mental health charity AWARE has provided some advice regarding adult mental...
22nd Apr 2020
Mathletics has provided a document outlining their 10 top tips for using the resource...
20th Apr 2020
It was great to see some familiar faces and even hear familiar voices on our P2...
20th Apr 2020
Dear St. Bronaghs, we miss you all so very much and we want you all to know you...