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St Bronagh's Primary School, Rostrevor
School Development Day on Monday 23rd September. Pupils off school that day.
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Rostrevor Men Shedders Biodiversity support for Local Schools.

8th Feb 2024

Huge thanks to the Rostrevor Men Shedders group for all their efforts in constructing bird boxes to improve the biodiversity of our local schools.
Following an email from St. Bronagh’s Eco-Council to the Men Shedders, the pupils requested if it was possible for the men to construct bird boxes for both St. Bronagh’s Primary School and St. Colman’s P.S Saval. This year St. Bronagh’s P.S Eco-Council are mentoring St. Colman’s P.S, Saval as part of our Ambassador Eco-School Programme. 

Without hesitation Rostrevor Men Shedders were fully committed to the job in hand.

It was smiles all round on February 8th, when St. Bronagh’s pupils were presented with ten amazing bird boxes. Pupils were delighted the the beautiful design of the boxes and can’t wait to hang them around our school to provide homes to small birds. Each box installed generates a score of 9 points, which will greatly help both schools improve their biodiversity survey score when applying to renew their greens flags this year.

The men shedders also presented our Primary Seven pupils with a new vegetable box, ready for planting this year’s vegetables. 

We appreciate the skill and workmanship of Rostrevor Men Shedders, and are very grateful for the input from this community group in helping us work towards maintaining our green flag status.