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St Bronagh's Primary School, Rostrevor
School Development Day on Monday 23rd September. Pupils off school that day.
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Primary 5 collect the Silverware again this week.

17th May 2020

Great news. Another week with lots of certificate winners in Primary 5.

Each week I congratulate you on your wonderful efforts and then the following week you do even better! What a class! This week there are 19 Certificate winners in Mathletics with Keira Kelly and Heidi Clerkin gaining a Silver Certificate. Well done ladies and congratulations also to the 17 bronze certificate winners -Olivia, Aoife, Tara, Adam, Heidi, Keira,Michael, Grace, Ryan Mackin, Caitlin, Ryan McC, Conor McC, Andrea, Lilie, Alannah, Connor S. and Artjoms.  That gives Primary 5 a total of 10 Silver and 99 Bronze Certificates in Mathletics. ....WOW!

In Studyladder this week we have 12 wonderful Certificate Winners. Cealagh Tinnelly lifted a gold Certificate when she banked 500 points. Ella Farrell,June got a Platinum Certificate when she reached 750 points. 3 of our girls, Alannah, Aoife and Tara all received a Bronze Trophy Certificate when they scored a magnificent 1000 points. Adam Fox went one further and took a Silver Trophy Cert with his 1250 points. Dara Mc Nally and Lilie Quinn took the Bronze Ribbon Certificates with a huge score of 2000 points. Grace Mackin collected a massive 2250 points and achieved a Silver Ribbon Certificate while Keira Kelly went to Gold Level with 2500 points to claim the Gold Ribbon. The two Conor's led the pack with Connor Sloan claiming a Platinum Ribbon with 2750 points and Conor Mc Court achieving his Gold Medal with a gigantic total of 3500 points. This is a wonderful recognition of the hard work and effort put in by all the P5 pupils. Well done to all. This brings us to a total of 176 Studyladder certificates in all. Not bad, Boys and Girls and I know there's more to come.