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St Bronagh's Primary School, Rostrevor
School Development Day on Monday 23rd September. Pupils off school that day.
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Presentation of Men Shedders' Bird Boxes.

29th Feb 2024

On 28th February St. Bronagh’s Eco-Committee and Principal presented the men shedders' bird boxes to St. Colman’s Primary School, Saval.

Saval Principal Adrian Savage expressed “ Huge thanks to St. Bronagh’s Eco-Committee and Rostrevor Men Shedders for these beautifully crafted bird boxes presented to us today. We hope to encourage small birds to visit and take shelter in Saval school grounds.” He added, “We really appreciate what you have done for our school today and look forward to our schools working together on further Biodiversity work over the coming weeks.”

In reply, Mr Gallagher said he was delighted to welcome the staff and pupils from St Colman's PS, Saval, to our school and how he was delighted to help them on their Eco-Journey. He said, "As an Ambassador Eco-School, it is great to be able to share the experience we have built up over the years of participation in Eco-Projects. We are always willing to support other schools on their journey, and we look forward to successful outcomes for both schools in their Eco-Appraisals."

This year our school are mentoring St. Colman’s P.S. Saval as part of our Ambassador Eco-Schools Programme.

Following the presentation both Eco-Committees had an opportunity to meet and share the following -

  *RSPB video advice on “Where to put bird boxes?”

  * How to encourage wildlife into our school grounds and how to improve score on the biodiversity survey.

  * Waste, recycling and methods of monitoring.

 * Energy monitoring and ways to encourage pupils and staff to save energy.

 * Taking part in Newry, Mourne and Down District Youth Speak Competition.

Our Eco-Committee gave Saval pupils a tour of our school, and pointed out where classes chose to place their bird boxes. Pupils are looking forward to Saval pupils sharing where they locate their bird boxes and report any birds that may take shelter or nest within. St. Colman’s pupils thought their bird boxes were "First Class," and would give this accommodation a "5-Star" rating.

Building on the success of the Rostrevor’s men shedders' bird boxes and how this action supports biodiversity in our local primary schools, St. Bronagh’s Eco-Committee are now also mentoring Ballyholland Primary School and they also have been presented with 5 bird boxes from Rostrevor’s Men Shedders. Each bird box scores 9 points on the RSPB survey. What a fantastic contribution this community group is making, helping us all work towards and maintaining our green flag status. 

Isn’t it fantastic to WORK TOGETHER, to play our part in helping nature.

Together we can make a difference!!!