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St Bronagh's Primary School, Rostrevor


2023/2024 School Year

14th Jun 2024
The team of hard working governors came together on Thursday 13th June for their...
14th Jun 2024
Congratulations to Sarah, Aran, Conor and Cormac who are this year’s Word...
14th Jun 2024
Friday 14th June marked our final assembly of this school year, and the last ever...
14th Jun 2024
The latest PATHS Programme Thought for the Week which was shared at assembly on Friday...
13th Jun 2024
We had a super trip to the Armagh Planetarium on Thursday June 13th. It really was...
13th Jun 2024
Primary 3 have been learning about Transport for their World Around Us topic ✈️...
13th Jun 2024
A massive well done to the primary 7 girls who participated in a netball tournament...
12th Jun 2024
We had lots of fun in P5 exploring electricity and making circuits to light up bulbs...
12th Jun 2024
Bhí lá ar dóigh againn inniu in Ollscoil Uladh ag ceiliúradh...
12th Jun 2024
A big thank you to local shops, VIVO and NISA for providing the snacks for our Sports...