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St Bronagh's Primary School, Rostrevor


2018/2019 School Year

13th Jun 2019
Enjoy these pictures of the very exciting P4 class trip to the Exploris Aquarium...
12th Jun 2019
This term Primary 6 worked with their counterparts in Dromore Road through online...
12th Jun 2019
The Primary 6 pupils are reading the classic book “The Lion, the Witch and...
12th Jun 2019
Sport's Day for P1-P4 has been rescheduled for Friday 14th June at 10 a.m. in Kilbroney...
11th Jun 2019
Primary 4 were fortunate to receive an invitation to Kilbroney Integrated P.S. on...
7th Jun 2019
First we met with our friends from Dromore Rd PS and found out all about wildlife...
4th Jun 2019
On Thursday 30th May, ex pupil Molly Campbell sang, informed and entertained the...
2nd Jun 2019
On Wednesday 29th May, P.3 pupils had great fun planning and building towers...
31st May 2019
Primary 2 did indeed have ‘sticky fingers’ during their visit to the...
30th May 2019
On Thursday 30th May, Mr Gallagher caught on camera an unexpected and very...