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St Bronagh's Primary School, Rostrevor
School Development Day on Monday 23rd September. Pupils off school that day.
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Hallowe’en Dressupas

25th Oct 2019

Primary 5 had a very enjoyable day today. The weather was kind and allowed us a lovely spooky walk through the village. We had hot chocolate as a treat to warm us up when we came back to school. Thank you to Mrs Campbell and Mrs Lundy.

Then in the afternoon after a tasty lunch of witches fingers, newts eyes,and vampires fangs, otherwise known as sausages, beans and chips we watched the film “ The Little Vampire”. We even scared Mr Murney with our giant spider when he stole some of our chocolate cake made by Lilie’s aunt. Hope everyone has a lovely break and comes back rested for lots of hard work before Christmas.