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St Bronagh's Primary School, Rostrevor
School Development Day on Monday 23rd September. Pupils off school that day.
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Every Little Helps!!!

26th Jun 2019

The Eco-council met Mr Gallagher to feedback all the suggestions from the various classes on reducing plastic use. We had great suggestions from all classes on how to reduce plastic use in our school. Some of the common suggestions are to - 

  • Remove single use plastic bottles and instead re-use/refill plastic bottles.
  • Reduce the amount of cling film and plastic bags from our daily lunch by perhaps using reusable lunch boxes. We aim to cut down on using plastic wrappings and tin foil.
  • Not to use drinks with plastic straws as the pupils realised the effect plastic straws are having on our wildlife in our seas and oceans.

We need your Help! If you are purchasing a new bottle for your child in September please buy reusable water bottles and why not encourage your child to use a reusable lunchbox instead of tinfoil or clingfilm. There are some examples in the photographs.

As the Eco-Council have been feeding back to all classes today a key message was OUR ACTIONS WON’T BE THE END OF PLASTIC POLLUTION, BUT AT LEAST IT WILL BE A START!!


The time is NOW.

Help before it is too late!!

Every Little Helps!!!