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St Bronagh's Primary School, Rostrevor
School Development Day on Monday 23rd September. Pupils off school that day.
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10 top tips for using Mathletics at home

22nd Apr 2020

Mathletics has provided a document outlining their 10 top tips for using the resource at home.  Mathletics has only recently been introduced both at school and at home, so there are still many things to learn about how to make the most of this resource. So far our pupils engagement in Mathletics has earned them 1,000,800 curriculum points and a total of 351 certificates! Excellent results so far! Do you think that by the end of June our pupils could double these numbers and earn a total of over 2 million curriculum points and over 700 certificates? I think they could!!

Please encourage your children to engage with Mathletics as much as possible.

Stay safe, 

M. Joyce